Engineering and design for your project is completed and you need support for project implementation ?
Process understanding is the key for successful automation. In addition to governmental regulations the accurate selection of regulation valves, controls, safety circuits as well as the appropriate switch gear are crucial prerequisites for an efficient operating system !   For automation systems we work together »

Kooperation PAVIS AgITO

AgITO ING Oliver Wüst, Kälte, Klima, Wärmepumpen, DKV, ASHRAE, VDI, Ingenieurdienstleistungen, Ingenieurbüro, Anlagenbau, Konstruktion, Planung, Projektmanagement, Komponenten Energieaudit, Machbarkeitsstudie, Brauwasserkühlung, Eiswasserkühlung, Würzekühlung, Brauerei, Versorgungsgewerke, Kesselhaus, Tankkühlung, Ausschreibungen, Planung, Projektleitung, Lieferung von Baugruppen und Anlagen Kälteanlagen, CO2 Rückgewinnung, international,Kälte, Plant 3D, Wasserbehandlung, Abwasserbehandlung, Produkte, PWL Anlagenbau, Kesselhaus, Brauerei Keller, Biogas, BHKW, Projektmanagement, Komponenten, Ingenieurdienstleistungen, Anlagenbau, Konstruktion, Planung, dezentrale Energieversorgung, Löschwasser, Tunnel, RABT, Druckerhöhung, ZTV-ING, Energieaudit §7 Abs.3 i.V.m. §8b EDL-G, Energieberatung im Mittelstand, BAFA Refrigeration, Clima, Heatpumps, DKV, ASHRAE, VDI, Engineering, Engineering Office, Support, Plant Construction, Planning, Energy plants, water treatment, waste water treatment, products, AgITO ING Oliver Wüst, Energy audit, feasibility study,refrigeration brew water cooling, ice water cooling, wort cooling, brewery, utility, utilities, boiler house, tank cooling, technical specifications, planning, project management, supply of cooling and pump units and plants Refrigeration plants, CO2 recovery plants, international, CHP Combined heat and power, biogas, steam turbine, gas turbine units, decentralized energy generation, energy audit according to §7 para.3 i.c.w. §8b EDL-G, energy consulting of medium-sized businesses, BAFA pressure booster pumps, Autodesk Plant 3D, Autocad 15