CONSULTING 360° | Analysis

You need a solid foundation for sustainable changes ?
Process understanding, technical know-how and a highly structured mode of operation as well as an intense communication with site personnel is our basis for a substantiated breakdown of components and processes. We ask the right questions to help you to foster a basis for positive changes.   This will be achieved by means of »
Oliver Wüst AgITO ING  
Oliver Wüst AgITO ING  
Energy consulting
Oliver Wüst AgITO ING   Process-, functional- and design analysis
Oliver Wüst AgITO ING   Value analysis
Oliver Wüst AgITO ING   Economic evaluations

AgITO ING Oliver Wüst, Kälte, Klima, Wärmepumpen, DKV, ASHRAE, VDI, Ingenieurdienstleistungen, Ingenieurbüro, Anlagenbau, Konstruktion, Planung, Projektmanagement, Komponenten Energieaudit, Machbarkeitsstudie, Brauwasserkühlung, Eiswasserkühlung, Würzekühlung, Brauerei, Versorgungsgewerke, Kesselhaus, Tankkühlung, Ausschreibungen, Planung, Projektleitung, Lieferung von Baugruppen und Anlagen Kälteanlagen, CO2 Rückgewinnung, international,Kälte, Plant 3D, Wasserbehandlung, Abwasserbehandlung, Produkte, PWL Anlagenbau, Kesselhaus, Brauerei Keller, Biogas, BHKW, Projektmanagement, Komponenten, Ingenieurdienstleistungen, Anlagenbau, Konstruktion, Planung, dezentrale Energieversorgung, Löschwasser, Tunnel, RABT, Druckerhöhung, ZTV-ING, Energieaudit §7 Abs.3 i.V.m. §8b EDL-G, Energieberatung im Mittelstand, BAFA Refrigeration, Clima, Heatpumps, DKV, ASHRAE, VDI, Engineering, Engineering Office, Support, Plant Construction, Planning, Energy plants, water treatment, waste water treatment, products, AgITO ING Oliver Wüst, Energy audit, feasibility study,refrigeration brew water cooling, ice water cooling, wort cooling, brewery, utility, utilities, boiler house, tank cooling, technical specifications, planning, project management, supply of cooling and pump units and plants Refrigeration plants, CO2 recovery plants, international, CHP Combined heat and power, biogas, steam turbine, gas turbine units, decentralized energy generation, energy audit according to §7 para.3 i.c.w. §8b EDL-G, energy consulting of medium-sized businesses, BAFA pressure booster pumps, Autodesk Plant 3D, Autocad 15